VIEW Certified Configuration Guide
Ruckus Wireless
Ruckus ZoneFlex 7962 Access Point
April 2009 Edition
Version A
Ruckus ZoneFlex 7962 Access Point
Polycom’s Voice Interoperability for Enterprise Wireless (VIEW)
Certification Program is designed to ensure interoperability and high
performance between SpectraLink Wireless Telephones and WLAN
infrastructure products.
The products listed below have been thoroughly tested in Polycom’s
lab and have passed VIEW Certification. This document details how
to configure the Ruckus ZoneFlex 7962 Access Point (AP) with
SpectraLink Wireless Telephones.
Certified Product Summary
Ruckus Wireless:
ZoneFlex AP 7962 †
Approved models:
Certified RF technology:
2.4 GHz
Security :
AP firmware version tested:
SpectraLink handset models certified: **
SpectraLink handset software certified:
SpectraLink radio mode:
Maximum calls tested per AP:
Network topology:
122.021 or greater
89.135 or greater
Switched Ethernet (recommended)
Denotes products directly used in VIEW Certification testing.
** SpectraLink handset models 8020/8030, e340/h340/i640 and their OEM derivates are VIEW Certified
with the WLAN hardware and software identified in the table. Throughout the remainder of this
document they will be referred to collectively as “SpectraLink Wireless Telephones”.
Known Limitations
ZoneFlex AP 7962 is VIEW Certified in 802.11b operating mode
only, without a WLAN controller.
500Kb/s rate limiting must be enabled when phones are deployed
in an environment with 802.11b data clients.
ZoneFlex AP 7962 does support 802.11g protection mode.
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Configuration Guide
Access Point Capacity and Positioning
Please refer to the Polycom Deploying Enterprise-Grade Wi-Fi Telephony
white paper. This document covers the security, coverage, capacity
and QoS considerations necessary for ensuring excellent voice quality
with enterprise Wi-Fi networks.
For more detailed information on wireless LAN layout, network
infrastructure, QoS, security and subnets, please see the Best Practices
document identifies issues and solutions based on Polycom’s
extensive experience in enterprise-class Wi-Fi telephony, and
provides recommendations for ensuring that a network environment
is adequately optimized for use with SpectraLink 8020/8030 Wireless
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Ruckus ZoneFlex 7962 Access Point
Network Topology
The following topology was tested during VIEW Certification. It is
important to note that these do not necessarily represent all
“certified” configurations.
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Configuration Guide
AP Configuration Setup
The Ruckus AP is easy to configure. Enter the desired SSID name and
encryption via Web Interface or SSH. SpectraLink voice is
automatically recognized and prioritized.
Log in to AP via web interface or SSH
Default IP =, Username = super, Password = sp-admin
Set up SSID name and encryption
1. In the navigation pane under Configuration, click Radio 2.4G.
2. Click the Wireless 1 tab.
3. In the Wireless Network: field, type a name for this wireless LAN
for reference only.
4. For Wireless Availability? select the Enabled option.
5. For Broadcast SSID? select the option you prefer.
6. In the SSID: field, type the SSID name
7. For Encryption Method: select the desired mode from the drop-
down list. SpectraLink handsets support WEP, WPA PSK and
8. Click Update Settings to save the configuration.
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Ruckus ZoneFlex 7962 Access Point
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Configuration Guide
Enabling Rate Limiting
The ZoneFlex AP 7962 is VIEW Certified for 802.11b operation only,
without a WLAN controller. In an environment with 802.11b data
clients, it is required to enable rate limiting to ensure optimal voice
1. In the navigation pane under Configuration, click Radio 2.4G.
2. Click the Wireless 1 tab.
3. At Rate Limiting click Edit Settings.
4. For Per Station Traffic Rate, select 500 kbps link per station from
the Downlink and Uplink drop-down lists.
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