8 Channel Preamplifier
with 24-bit/48 kHz ADAT out
User’s Manual
Version 1.0
© 2007, PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Features ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 What is in the Box ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Front Panel Layout ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Back Panel Layout ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Microphones ........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.1 Condenser .................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Dynamic ...................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Digital Connections and Synchronization .............................................................................................. 11
3.2.1 ADAT Optical Lightpipe ............................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 BNC Sync .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.3 Master/Slave and Multiple Digital Devices .................................................................................... 11
3.2.4 Setting up your DAW Software .................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Sample Hook up Diagrams ................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.1 Using the DigiMax D8 with ProTools ........................................................................................... 13
3.3.2 Using multiple DigiMax D8 with the FireStudio LightPipe ............................................................ 14
3.3.3 Using the DigiMax D8 to add preamps to a line level input device .................................................. 15
4.1 Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Thank you for purchasing the PreSonus DigiMax D8. PreSonus Audio Electronics has designed the DigiMax D8
utilizing high-grade components to ensure optimum performance that will last a lifetime. The DigiMax D8 is an
eight-channel microphone preamplifier, with 24-bit 48 kHz ADAT output, eight PreSonus X-MAX microphone
preamplifiers, and BNC word clock in for digital sync. Loaded with 8 direct outputs, individual channel input
metering and -20 dB pads on every channel, the DigiMax D8 is the perfect hardware expansion for your
FireStudio LightPipe, FireStudio 26x26, or any digital recording system with optical Lightpipe expansion
capability including Digidesign’s HD and 003 systems, RME, Yamaha, Alesis, Mackie and many others.
We encourage you to contact us at 225-216-7887 or at techsupport@presonus.com with any questions or
comments you may have regarding your PreSonus DigiMax D8. PreSonus Audio Electronics is committed to
constant product improvement, and we value your suggestions highly. We believe the best way to achieve our
goal of constant product improvement is by listening to the real experts, our valued customers. We appreciate
the support you have shown us through the purchase of this product.
We suggest you use this manual to familiarize yourself with the features, applications and correct connection
procedure for your DigiMax D8 before trying to connect it to your recording system. This will hopefully
alleviate any unforeseen issues that you may encounter during installation and set up. Please pay close attention
when connecting your DigiMax D8 to your system. Bad cables and improper grounding are the most common
causes of problems encountered in recording and live P. A. environments. We recommend checking your cables,
connections and grounding if you experience any noise or sonic performance problems.
Thank you, once again, for buying our product, and we hope you enjoy your DigiMax D8!
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The DigiMax D8 is high quality and affordable eight-channel preamplifier with analog to digital conversion,
perfect for expanding an audio interface or digital mixer with ADAT input or upgrading the preamps on an
analog console. The DigiMax D8 comes complete with eight high-quality PreSonus X-MAX microphone
preamps, ADAT output, BNC word clock input, as well as input metering, direct analog output and -20 dB pads
on every channel.
Summary of features
8 Class A X-MAX microphone preamps
8 Balanced direct outputs
-20 dB pads on every channel
Instrument preamplifiers on Channels 1 & 2
24-bit / 48 kHz conversion
ADAT Output
BNC word clock input
Front panel input metering display
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Your DigiMax D8 package contains the following:
DigiMax D8 Eight-channel microphone
6’ Standard IEC Power Cable
PreSonus Warranty Card
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Instrument Inputs (Channels 1 and 2). The ¼” TS connector on channels 1 and 2 are for use with an
instrument (guitar, bass, etc.). When an instrument is plugged into the instrument input, the
microphone preamp is bypassed, and the DigiMax D8 becomes an active instrument preamplifier.
NOTE: Active instruments are those that have an internal preamp or a line level output. Active
instruments should be plugged into a line input rather than into an instrument input. Plugging a line
level source into the instrument inputs on the front of the DigiMax D8 not only risks damage to these
inputs but also results in a very loud and often distorted audio signal.
(In other words, don’t plug a line level source into the front panel jacks of channel 1 or 2.)
-20 dB Pad. These buttons attenuate the input signal on each channel by 20dB. The pad can be used
to keep a hot signal from overdriving the microphone preamp.
Input Gain/Trim Control. These knobs provide the following gain structure:
XLR Microphone Inputs. 54dB of variable gain (-4 dB to +50 dB)
TS Instrument/Hi-Z Inputs (Channels 1 & 2 only). 54dB of variable gain (-4dB to +50dB)
LED Meters / Clip Indicator. Each channel features four LED level indicators. The green LEDs will
light up when your input signal from the XLR (Mic) or ¼” (Hi-Z Channels 1&2 only) reaches -24 dBFS
and -18 dBFS respectively. The yellow LED will light up when the channel’s input signal reaches -6
dBFS (+4 dBu). The red clip indicator LED will illuminate when the channel’s input signal reaches 0
dBFS. At this level, your mic preamp trim signal will exhibit signs of clipping such as distortion. It is
highly recommended you do not allow your converters to clip (the red clip indicators to light up) as the
sound quality will not be desirable. If you are having difficulty achieving a useable signal level without
clipping, engage the -20 dB pad.
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Clock. This button sets the DigiMax D8 to External digital sync or sets the Internal sample rate.
Press the Clock button once to set the clock to internal sync and your sample rate to 44.1 kHz.
This will make the DigiMax D8 the Master clock of your system. It will be sending out word clock
via the ADAT output.
Press the Clock button twice to set the clock to internal sync and your sample rate to 48 kHz.
Press the Clock button three times to set the clock to external sync. This will make the DigiMax
D8 look for a master clock via the BNC word clock input. Your sample rate will automatically
change to match that of your master clock.
Please note: If you are using the DigiMax D8 to record into a DAW application like Logic, ProTools,
Cubase or Sonar, you must set the sample rate inside your host application to match the sample rate
you set on your master clock generator.
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Microphone Pre-Amplifier. Your DigiMax D8 is equipped with eight custom designed PreSonus XMAX
microphone preamplifiers for use with all types of microphones including Dynamics, Condensers and
Ribbons as well as instruments and line level signals. The award winning PreSonus preamplifier design
is a Class A input buffer followed by a dual servo gain stage. This arrangement results in ultra low
noise and wide gain control allowing the DigiMax D8 user to boost desirable signal without increasing
unwanted background noise.
48 Volt Phantom Power. The FireStudio Project has 48V Phantom power available in groups of
two via push button switches on the back panel. From right to left, each button activates Phantom
power for channels 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 and 7&8 respectively.
XLR connector wiring for Phantom Power
Pin 1 = GND
Pin 2 = +48V
Pin 3 = +48V
+22dBu Headroom. The DigiMax D8 microphone preamplifier has +22 dBu headroom. This
feature gives you wide dynamic range and excellent transient response characteristics.
Direct Analog Outputs (TRS Balanced). These are general purpose line-level direct outputs for each
input channel. They are post gain and pre-converter.
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BNC In. The BNC input allows the DigiMax D8 to be connected and slaved to an external word clock
ADAT Output. This optical ADAT output sends eight channels of digital audio output. Word clock is
also being sent through this output so you can use the DigiMax D8 as a clock master.
Power Adaptor Input. This is where you plug the provide IEC power cable into the DigiMax D8.
Power Switch. Push the top part of the switch to turn your DigiMax D8 on ( | ). Push the bottom part
of the switch to turn your DigiMax D8 off ( O ).
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The DigiMax D8 works with all standard microphones including dynamic, ribbon and condenser microphones.
3.1.1 Condenser
Condenser microphones tend to generate a high-quality audio signal and are one of the most popular mic
choices for today’s studio recording applications. Because of their design technology, condenser microphones
require a power source, which can be provided from a small battery, external power supply or from
microphone inputs as phantom power. The DigiMax D8 sends phantom power over XLR inputs only.
3.1.2 Dynamic
Dynamic microphones are possibly the most widely used microphone type – especially in live shows and when
recording loud source signals such as guitar amplifiers and kick drums. They are usually less expensive than
condenser and ribbon microphones, resistant to physical damage and typically handle high sound pressure
levels (SPL) very well. Unlike condenser microphones, dynamic microphones do not require a power source.
In the vast majority of cases, phantom power will have no effect on a dynamic microphone’s audio quality or
sensitivity and will not damage the microphone. You should consult your microphone’s documentation to
Dynamic microphones, especially ribbon microphones, tend to generate low output voltages, so they typically
need more preamp gain than a condenser microphone.
Ribbon microphones are a special type of dynamic microphone and get their name from the thin metal ribbon
used in their design. Ribbon microphones have very high quality sound reproduction qualities – especially
higher frequencies sounds. However, they are very fragile and typically cannot handle high SPL’s.
The most important thing to note about Ribbon microphones is that nearly all Ribbon Microphones do not
require phantom power. PLEASE NOTE: unless a Ribbon microphone calls specifically for phantom power,
sending phantom power to a ribbon microphone will severely damage it – usually beyond repair.
Regardless of the microphone type you are using, we recommend reading your microphone’s user’s manual
thoroughly before engaging phantom power or if any other usage questions may arise.
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3.2.1 ADAT Optical Lightpipe
ADAT is an industry standard abbreviation for the ADAT Lightpipe protocol, which transfers eight tracks in
a single fiber optic cable. Supported sample rates are 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz.
When you are utilizing the eight DigiMax D8 preamplifiers and converting to the digital optical output,
connect one ADAT optical cable from the ADAT output on the back of the DigiMax D8 to the ADAT optical
input on your digital audio interface, workstation or digital mixer.
To synchronize your system to the DigiMax D8’s internal clock, set your other device to receive external word
clock via its ADAT optical input. You may need to consult your device’s user manual for instructions on how
to do so.
3.2.2 BNC Sync and Word Clock
When using multiple devices connected through digital audio formats like S/PDIF, AES/EBU, ADAT or
TDIF, it is necessary to synchronize them to a single word clock generator. Word clock is used to keep a
perfectly timed and constant bit rate between all synced devices to avoid data errors. A word clock generator
creates digital pulses that contain no other data (i.e. audio). These pulses clock the internal oscillators of
each device and are essential to avoid frequency drift.
A word clock signal is bundled with the audio data in the ADAT Lightpipe protocol; however, many engineers
prefer to keep word clock sync and audio separate from each other. This is where BNC word clock
connections come into play and the DigiMax D8 has a BNC word clock input for just this purpose. You will
find BNC cables used to deliver dedicated word clock in many quality studios and broadcast facilities
worldwide. BNC cables are rugged, lock into position, and can carry clock signals much farther than the
standard optical cable. A BNC word clock cable is a 75Ω, shielded coaxial cable with standard ‘twist-lock’
BNC-type connections on each end. Please note: BNC cables are made in several impedances. The DigiMax
D8 requires an impedance of 75 Ωs to achieve consistent sync.
To synchronize the DigiMax D8 via BNC word clock, you will need to run a BNC word clock cable from the
BNC word clock output of your external device to the BNC word clock input of your DigiMax D8. From the
front panel of your DigiMax D8, select external sync using the clock button.
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3.2.3 Master/Slave and Multiple Digital Devices
Whether you are using the ADAT output of the DigiMax D8 to generate word clock or you are using the BNC
word clock output of another device as your word clock generator, it is necessary to denote one device as the
“master” word clock device to which all other digital devices are synced or “slaved”. The DigiMax D8
should perform equally well as a master or a slave in most cases, although syncing it to a lesser quality clock
source may affect performance. Not all word clock generators are created equal. The general approach is to
determine which device has the best clock from which to reference and to designate that device as the word
clock master. This is done with careful listening and A/B testing.
Once you’ve determined which device is to be your Master clock, you will need to sync the remaining digital
devices either through series or parallel distribution or some combination thereof. Of course, if your digital
device chain only consists of one master and one slave, syncing the two is as simple as connecting a 75 Ω
BNC word clock cable from the output of your master device to the input of the device you are slaving. When
working with multiple slaved devices, the job gets a bit more complicated. Series distribution requires that
your digital devices have both a BNC word clock input and a BNC word clock output. Parallel distribution
uses a BNC “T-connector” attached to the BNC word clock input of each slaved device. This allows the word
clock signal to be sent to that device and then sent on to another. A BNC word clock output on the slaved
devices is not used or required for parallel word clock distribution. If the last device in the chain does not
have a word clock terminate switch, it will require a BNC terminator plug to be attached to the other side of
the “T-connector”. This helps to stabilize the word clock sync as well as to keep the word clock signal clean.
Both word clock terminator plugs and BNC T-connectors can be purchased at most recording supply
retailers. For a complete description of parallel word clock distribution as it relates directly to the DigiMax
D8, see section 3.3.2: “Using multiple DigiMax D8s with the FireStudio LightPipe”.
A third option for syncing your digital devices is to purchase a high quality dedicated word clock generator;
and many engineers believe that using dedicated word clock generators, rather than utilizing series or parallel
word clock distribution, enhances the performance of their digital audio devices. A dedicated word clock
generator and distribution amplifier exists for one purpose and one purpose only: to be a Master clock. Word
clock generators usually have one BNC word clock input and multiple BNC word clock outputs (sometimes
TDIF, S/PDIF, or ADAT outputs as well to make them compatible with as many types of digital devices as
possible). Without a dedicated word clock generator, it is necessary to split the word clock signal generated
by the Master device by daisy chaining the slaved devices as described above. Because of this, many engineers
feel that the resulting digital audio signals will be of a higher quality when a dedicated word clock generator
is used; because all the digital devices are receiving the same digital pulse from the same source at exactly
the same time.
Whichever approach one uses, it is always advisable to use good quality BNC cables that are not excessively
longer than necessary for the job at hand and, as with any audio cabling, it is always good to keep word clock
cables separate from AC cable lines or other possible sources of interference.
3.2.4 Setting Up Your DAW Software
If you are planning on using your DigiMax D8 as the master clock for your digital device system, you will
need to refer to the instructions on external synchronization provided by the manufacturer of both your audio
interface and your DAW recording application. Setting external sync usually must be done in both the audio
interface’s control panel software application (if it has one) and your recording application. As a general
rule of thumb, this will be necessary when you are using any device other than your audio interface as the
master clock for your system.
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3.3.1 Using the DigiMax D8 with ProTools
The DigiMax D8 is the perfect solutions to expand your ADAT compatible Digidesign interface.
For example: To set up a Digi 003 with ProTools LE software:
1. Plug in an ADAT cable from the optical output of the DigiMax D8 to the optical input of the Digi 003
2. Plug in a BNC word clock cable from the Digi 003 BNC word clock output to the BNC input of the
DigiMax D8
3. Push the ‘clock’ button on the DigiMax D8 three times, until the yellow “external” LED is lit.
Please note: When using Digidesign interfaces that do not have word clock output, you will need to set the
DigiMax D8 as the master clock of the system. Push the ‘clock’ button to the internal setting you prefer (48
kHz or 44.1 kHz). In ProTools, go to Setups>Hardware setup. Select “RCA = S/PDIF, Optical = ADAT”
and set the clock to “ADAT”.
Digi003, ProTools, and Digidesign are trademarks of Avid™
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3.3.2 Using multiple DigiMax D8 with the FireStudio LightPipe
The DigiMax D8 is a great low cost solution to expand your FireStudio LightPipe for live or mobile
recordings where a large number of simultaneous inputs are needed and two track output is enough for
monitoring. To clock more than one DigiMax D8 to the same external sync you will need a BNC T-Connector
for each DigiMax D8 you are connecting to your system. This is called parallel clock distribution and will
allow word clock to be sent to and relayed from each DigiMax D8 in the chain. The last device in the chain
will need to have a BNC terminator attached to the other side of the T-connection. All the devices between
the master clock and the last device in the chain are un-terminated so as not to load the signal down.
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3.3.3 Using the DigiMax D8 to Add Preamps to a Multiple Line Level Input Device
The inputs of many audio interfaces and mixers are blended between microphone preamps and line level
inputs. Balanced ¼” inputs are a great way to conserve space. Because of its direct analog outputs, the
DigiMax D8 can also be used to add preamps to devices of this nature. It is important to note that when
connecting two digital devices with an analog connection it is not necessary to use word clock sync.
The FireStudio Tube offers six line level inputs in addition to its 10 microphone preamps. The DigiMax D8
is an easy way to expand the number of microphone preamps to 16. Connecting the DigiMax D8 to the
FireStudio Tube is as simple as connecting 6 ¼” TRS-TRS cables:
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Microphone Preamp
Type ............................................................................................................................. XLR Female Balanced
Frequency Response (±0.5 dB) ............................................................................................... 20 Hz to 50 kHz
Frequency Response (±3.0 dB) ............................................................................................. 20 Hz to 150 kHz
Input Impedance (Balanced) ................................................................................................................ 1600 Ω
THD+N (unwtd, 1 kHz @ +4 dBu Output, Unity Gain) ..................................................................... < 0.003%
EIN (unwtd, 55dB Gain, 150 Ω Input, 20Hz to 22 kHz) .................................................................... -126 dBu
S/N Ratio (Unity Gain, unwtd, Ref. = +4 dBu, 20Hz to 22 kHz) ........................................................ > 101 dB
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (1 kHz, 55 dB Gain) ........................................................................... > 55 dB
Gain Control Range (± 1dB) .................................................................................................... -4 dB to 50 dB
Maximum Input Level (Unity Gain, 1 kHz @ 0.5% THD+N) .............................................................. +14 dBu
Signal Level LEDs
Red / Clip (±0.5 dBu) .......................................................................... +10 dBu (0 dBFS)
Yellow (±0.5 dBu) ............................................................................... +4 dBu (-6 dBFS)
Green (±0.5 dBu) ................................................................................ -8 dBu (-18 dBFS)
Green (±0.5 dBu) .............................................................................. -14 dBu (-24 dBFS)
Phantom Power (±2 VDC) ................................................................................................................ +48 VDC
Instrument Input (channels 1 & 2 only)
Type .................................................................................................................... ¼” TRS Female Unbalanced
Input Impedance .................................................................................................................................... 1 MΩ
Line Outputs
Type .................................................................................................................................... ¼” TRS Balanced
Output Impedance.................................................................................................................................... 51 Ω
Digital Audio
ADC Dynamic Range (Awtd, 48 kHz Sample Rate) ............................................................................... 107 dB
Bit Depth .................................................................................................................................................... 24
Reference Level for 0dBFS ................................................................................................................ +10 dBu
Internal Sample Frequency Selections (kHz) ...................................................................................... 44.1, 48
External Sample Frequency Input .................................................................................................... 75 Ω BNC
Input Connector Type ................................................................................................................................ IEC
Input Voltage Range ................................................................................................................ 90 to 230 VAC
Power Requirements (Continuous) ............................................................................................................ 20W
As a commitment to constant improvement, PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. reserves the
right to change any specification stated herein at any time without notification.
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